Managed IT security

Managed IT security

Managed Security is a package of services to manage your IT environment safely from security threats and data loss.

Do you have purchased antivirus, backups and systems set up for automatic updates? And are you sure it works? Or just hope. :)

Ensure security

Efficient and cost-effective solution.

Managed software patch managment

Software update is an IT procedure where the latest version of software is installed on your computer. The update is done because of implementation of higher security or bug fixes. The word patch is also used.
Updates are usually made on the operating system and Microsoft software – operating systems, all versions of Office, and many others.
The advantage of our service is also automatic installation of the update on other important programs such as Adobe, Oracle JAVA, Google, Mozzila, WinZip and more. And you will be sure if the updates are installed or not.

Managed cloud Antivirus

Install and check the status of your antivirus program on your computers and servers. We use BitDefender, a worldwide leading antivirus.

Automation and control.
Simple having installed antivirus is not good enough anymore. We care that the antivirus is also working and updated.

Managed cloud backup

A modern and reliable cloud-based backup system. You can back up your physical and virtual servers. A simple pricing policy based on the number of servers.
With this simple, powerful and affordable service, your backups go directly to our global network – a purpose-built private cloud. Our deep deduplication makes backup (and recovery) even for your biggest servers fast and efficient.